At the beginning of each new year, after the Bauchinalia, it’s customary to look forward to the coming year.
But I would like to look further ahead to a longer-term vision of the future.
Let’s imagine it’s 2050.
Instead of a world wrecked by climate change, we see a world that has risen to the challenge of not merely mitigating it but rolling back the clock and setting the world’s climate aright.
In place of a world with species dying at astronomical rates, we have a global ecosystem in harmony between animals, plants, and people.
In exchange for 1 billion people without enough to eat, we will instead have a global system that ensures all eat.
Rather than 2 billion people without access to full educational opportunities, we have a society that ensures that anyone can learn whatever they want at any point in their lives.
And finally, instead of a world on the brink of global war with conflicts raging in dozens of locales throughout the Earth, we have a just and lasting peace between ourselves.
I commit myself and the Empire of Australia to work for these aspects of an equitable and harmonious world.
Will you join me?